WIKI del proyecto

jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

London: XlX, XX and XXl centuries

Lourdes Barrios, Noelia Córdoba and Gloria Cros are the authors of this project about Economy, Politics and Architecture in London during the last three centuries.


The Beatles & the beginning of pop music.

This is our project about The Beatles and the beginning of pop music. Made by: Talía Castro Ayllón, Miriam Sánchez Gómez and Cristina Hernández Cost.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

Ireland: a divided island

This is the project that Rafael Varona, Antonio Waliño and José Carlos Soria did. It is about the history of Ireland and North Ireland, their monuments, typical food, traditions...


sábado, 16 de enero de 2016

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Jazz Black music

This is the project: Jazz and Black music.

Members of the group: Salvador Pérez, Rafael Pérez, Paula Legrán.

The Wild West

Project made by Iván Luis Bendezú Torres, Arturo Cano and Sergio Cubero about the conquest of the American West.

Silent films

Made by Gonzalo Mesa Torrico, Sol Rodriguez Diaz and Laura Santos Garcia.